…my body brought forth on this continent a new baby, conceived in love, and dedicated to being absolutely, positively, and amazingly HERSELF.

Jon and I are fairly dazed today, wondering how fast the time has gone since that August 22nd in 1980 when she who was breech was pulled from my belly (he watched the whole C-section), our first, our precious, our daughter.

Did I say “our?” How hard it is even now, on her 30th birthday, to truly comprehend that she belongs to no one else but herself, that while we raised her and will always love her, we have no claim on her soul.Nor do we want to.

Through all these years, and for years to come, she will continue to engage and awe us with her unique and separate self. But I do want to take this moment, today, to thank whatever Mystery used me as a container and channel for this wonderful human being, for Eden.

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