Relaxing into Reality

Okay. What the heck does that title mean? In some ways, offering an explanation is contrary to its very meaning. Any definition seems like an effort to control, and that’s precisely the opposite of relaxing. To relax or “re-loose” implies something (or someone) that is tight (uptight!) which needs loosening, and not just once but again, and again. Relaxing is the Big Aaaaaaaah! that comes after unendurable stress, panic, and terror. Or even just minor day-to-day annoyances that threaten our authority. It’s the point at which Control meets Reality head-on and BAM! You can do nothing else but give in, give up, LET GO. Let go of the illusion that you have power over ANYthing! So why not avoid that head-on and RELAX INTO REALITY instead of fighting it? I find that when I truly let go of all my projections of what might be or could be or should be, I wake up to what mysteriously is. And Reality (includes Nature) usually has a wonderful knack for working things out better than I could. This may just be the beginning of my acceptance of my mortality on some level. That Life goes on without me, that I am not so damned important or necessary in the grand old scheme, and that such humility brings with it a relief from misplaced responsibility and allows me to experience my true aliveness. Aaaaaaaaah! (And again…and again….)

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