Yes, those Tea Partyers are MAD. As in CRAZY NUTS INSANE! Don’t they realize that GOING BACK is not an option? Like Alice, I feel like I’m sitting at a table of spinning cups and steaming teapots where nothing makes sense anymore.

As the daughter of an FDR devotee, I still believe our government can do good works with our tax dollars. I still believe in healthcare for all. I still believe in social justice.

I still believe it’s not too late to save the earth or revive public education. I still believe…but…believing is not seeing. And there’s a difference between belief and faith. Not religious faith, but the kind that keeps the light going in human life. Like flowers turning towards the sun. ANYWAY…perhaps I am blinded by my belief in the goodness of people.

It’s naive and childish. It’s idealistic. It’s impractical. I suppose I am in denial. Or in a dream not my own. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!

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