Bitch blog?

I was just thinking about blogging. About the purpose of blogging, for the blogger. Bitch about the state of the world? Kvetch about daily irritations? Pontificate on the moral and/or politcal climate of our times? Share vital information about unclogging a stopped-up drain? That is, is a blog a how-to? Or a where to, as in where to go for the best taco/hamburger/brunch in L.A.? I’m new at this and I’m trying to figure out 1) what the difference is between blogging and posting on Facebook or Tweeting, 2) how is it different from journaling, 3) how to get people to read my blog, and 4) why anyone would want to in the first place. Okay, that last sounded whiney. I don’t think self-pity has any place in either the blogoshpere or real life. Self-pity is antithetical to communication. I guess I’ll just “put it out there,” whatever the subject, and not give a rat’s ass if anyone reads it or not. Which brings us to the subject of rat’s asses…stay tuned.

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